Sunday, May 10, 2020

Is There Such a Thing As a Sat Sample Essay?

Is There Such a Thing As a Sat Sample Essay?There has been a lot of fuss recently about the 'sat sample essay' from the Government's Plastic Bag Ban (pdf) Bill, particularly its initiative to impose a minimum length on essays that would be acceptable in these sections. The general effect is that essays are being discarded that are three pages or longer in length.The Plastic Bag Ban legislation states that essays that exceed three pages must be written by an academic and that is the only type of essay that can be submitted for inclusion in the Plastic Bag Ban legislation. This is unfortunate because academics who write essays are not usually at the mercy of time restraints when it comes to writing.Having said that, the Act gives each Judge 'the authority to determine an upper limit' on the length of the Sat sample essay and that should be a relevant point of contention. So, what is a 'maximum' length for the Sat sample essay? There is no legal or statutory definition of this word in t he legislation, but when the rules are so ambiguous, then any judge has the power to use his or her own discretion.This is especially significant because in many cases the members of the panel reviewing the Sat sample essay are NOT academics, which means they do not understand the mechanics of academic writing and therefore can be less likely to consider this issue. That is not to say that the members of the panel should be disqualified from such an important role. In fact, it may be argued that the members of the panel (other than the judges) should receive more information on how to structure academic essays before such a crucial role.Even if the judges do not have an extensive knowledge of the rules governing academic writing, it is still wise to proceed with caution when determining the length of the Plastic Bag Ban section, particularly the Sat sample essay, as the composition rules are not written down in black and white. In fact, the submission of an essay does not have to be in English; the plasticbag legislation makes no provisions for various languages that are widely spoken in the UK and often used in schools.If the Plastic Bag Ban legislation specifies a length of three pages, how does that apply to a sat sample essay? The court's 'authority' can construe the statute very broadly and find that anything that goes beyond this three-page rule is beyond the pale of the legislation. Therefore, it will not be unusual for a judge to refuse a submission that exceeds the three-page limit.This is particularly troubling when it comes to writing for public consumption as the Plastic Bag Ban legislation, in all probability, did not intend to restrict academic writing, even if this is the result. As a rule, the Plastic Bag Ban legislation is intended to restrict the physical shipping of items that have been illegally dumped, so the 'authority' has some flexibility when considering this area of law.Whether it is the 'authority' of the Plastic Bag Ban or the judic iary that is being applied here, there is certainly no shortage of opinion on the matter. That said, it is extremely important for the academic to understand that the judges alone make the determination of the rules and in the context of the Plastic Bag Ban legislation, this means that anyone who submits an essay for consideration should submit their essay in English.

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